Students Representation Council

Role of SRC

The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) is the legitimate representative organ of the Student body, and it is the only recognized mouthpiece of the student body.

The aims of the SRC, among others, are;

  • To seek the general welfare of the students and to advise in relation to such matters concerning students welfare.
  • To work in all deliberations and in close harmony, with the authorities of the Polytechnic in all matters affecting the interests of the students.
  • To organize lectures, symposia, debates, voluntary work and other social activities in the interest of the students.

Electing an Student Representative Council

Members of the SRC can come from all years and they are democratically elected by their peers. The SRC election process will vary from school to school. It could involve:

  • an awareness campaign, using items such as posters, pamphlets and speeches to stress the aims and achievement of the SRC and the need for responsible voting.
  • compiling information sheets on candidates, including photos and lists of their school based interests, which can be displayed and distributed.
  • students who would make good leaders being lobbied to stand for election.
  • people such as local members of parliament acting as election observers and drawing comparisons with Australian and state government election processes.
  • former SRC students talking to students.
  • speaking at school assemblies and highlighting the SRC as an active body that is valued and respected by the whole school community.

Operating a Student Representative Council

School SRCs liaise and communicate with a number of groups within their school community, including:

  • students
  • local community
  • school council
  • school principal, executive, staff, committees
  • inter-school SRC
  • parents and citizens.

Provide opportunities for SRC representatives across schools to meet. These opportunities may help:

  • to improve school SRCs within the local area
  • improve communication between school SRCs
  • deal with issues that affect the local community
  • provide leadership training.

Across school SRC forums might focus on local community issues and issues arising from school forums.