Online Course Registration Form
Note: This form is for all students seeking to apply for our courses either online or on campus at Kludjeson Institute of Technology. Complete the form, then click the Submit button. All fields must be completed.
Payment Disclosures: Terms and Conditions
- I understand that I am responsible for all charges for this registration at KIT.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to read all policies and procedures as outlined in the student handbook.
- I understand the drop/add, withdrawal, and refund policies as outlined in the handbook.
- It is my total obligation to pay tuition and fees in full for all classes that I am registered for after the fifth class day of any term.
- I further understand that all tuition and fees are to be paid in full no later than the fifth day of any term unless a deferment is in effect.
- I understand that I may be subject to late fees.
- I understand that if I have an unpaid balance, no further enrollment at KIT will be permitted, that my unpaid balance will be turned over to a collection agency, and that I am fully responsible for any collection costs and fees.