Frequently asked Questions
Experts in matching business goals to skills & training
Our teams of instructors, consultants and services comprise of highly skilled experts, working at the leading edge of technology, but with real-world experience and genuine commercial perspective on customers’ needs.
We offer Quality & flexible training
We offer our students an online training through our E-learning portal. You can conveniently at your own space learn online today in Ghana thanks to KIT E-learning platform. You can take your full course online without any physical presence in classroom.
Vital links with many firms worldwide.
At KIT we don’t just train students, we establish connection with them on the basis to link them to the industries where they will fit in for the right job. We work with an extensive network with many firms not only in Ghana but worldwide.
Brilliant feedback
KIT has a track record in delivering high-quality professionally-accredited courses online, but don’t just take our word for it. 98% of employers value the training we provide, and 93% of our students tell us that their training is positive.