The goal of KIT Library Services is to provide access to information resources for the students who take classes through KIT E-learning platform and for the faculty who teach those classes. The KIT Library Service is staffed by a full-time librarian.
Kludjeson Institute of Technology Library Services (KITLS)
The Kludjeson Institute of Technology Library Services, via the KIT Librarian, assists students and faculty in determining the most effective ways to use academic library research materials via e-mail, chat, phone, Zoom, or in person. The policy of the KITLS is to provide access to library materials and information resources for students who take online and hybrid courses, as well as for the faculty who teach those classes. KIT students are to receive the same caliber of library services and have access to the same information sources as on-campus students, including: access to both print and electronic materials, research databases, Interlibrary Loan, Research Guides on topics in a variety of disciplines, as well as course-specific guides. The Online Learning Library Service includes the following:
- Providing access to information resources and materials
- Offering research consultations and information literacy instruction sessions.
- Providing reference services through e-mail, chat, phone, Zoom, or in person
- Offering copyright assistance and assisting with links to library resources
- Serving as an embedded librarian in courses using Canvas
- Assisting with EndNote
- Creating course-specific library guides and connecting students to other relevant research guides
KIT Librarian
If you have any questions or need assistance with KIT Library Services, please contact the Librarian on the address below:
P.o.Box AN 10011, Accra
335 Place, N1 North Dzorwulo,
Accra – Ghana. West Africa.
Phone: +233-55-703-3887