4 learners taking this course
The Key of C
Chords are groups of notes that form harmony. Most songs follow the same, basic chord formulas, and we’ve broken them down here for you to learn.
Your Friend, the Triad
A triad is a 3-note chord, the most basic kind of chord. In this video you’ll learn how to create a triad and play every chord in the key of C.
Introduction to Rhythm
Some say the most recognizable parts of music are the melody and harmony. But the thing that brings music to life is the “Rhythm” — It truly is the Heartbeat of Music. Rhythm works behind the scenes to set a foundation from which harmony and melody can shine, by establishing and building upon “the beat.”
Subdividing – Musical Math
In this lesson you’ll learn about subdividing, dividing your beats into sections, resulting in smaller and faster notes.
Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
Learn how to play the Verse & Chorus of ‘Billie Jean’ by Michael Jackson.
All of Me by John Legend
Learn how to play the Intro & Verse of ‘All Of Me’ by John Legend.
A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
Learn how to play the Intro, Verse & Chorus of ‘A Sky Full Of Stars’ by Coldplay.
Imagine by John Lennon
Learn how to play the Intro & Verse of ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon.