Course ID Course Code Course Name Course Lecturer Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00004 ICDL 201 Project Management & office Proficiency GHR 005 Mon - Fri 08:00am - 05:00pm 4.0 ICDL Standard modules complement our range of Base modules. They will enable you to develop your skills in knowledge areas that are appropriate for your everyday life, or for your job role.
00005 ICDL 312 International Driving License Advanced GHR 005 Mon - Fri 8:00am - 05:00pm 4.0 ICDL Standard modules complement our range of Base modules. They will enable you to develop your skills in knowledge areas that are appropriate for your everyday life, or for your job role.
00006 ICDL 301 International Driving License Standard GHR 004 Mon - Fri 8:00am - 05:00pm 4.0 ICDL Base modules certify skills that are considered essential skills because they are crucial for anyone who uses a computer to possess.
00007 ICDL 125 International Driving License Base GHR 003 Mon - Fri 8:00am - 12:00pm 4.0 Introductory modules consist of digital citizen and digital citizen plus programmes. Both programmes are delivered in a workshop format under the guidance of a qualified trainer.